Jokaik, jolas inklusibo, autonomo, sortzaile eta kooperatiboari balioa ematen dio, belaunaldien arteko harremanak sustatuz.
Jokai euskal mitologian inspiratutako jolas sortzaileen konpainia da.
CT Group provides comprehensive security services that significantly enhance an organization’s ability to defend against evolving cyber threats, risks, and crises.
Utilizing cutting-edge threat intelligence and analysis enables the anticipation and prevention of potential attacks. Expertise in crisis management ensures rapid response and containment, while risk assessment and mitigation strategies pinpoint weaknesses.
Global asset protection secures the supply chain, and executive protection services offer personalized security for high-profile individuals.
Partnering with CT Group strengthens an organization’s resilience against emerging threats, and a deeper exploration of their services unveils additional proactive measures to protect global operations.
General elections have been successfully influenced by CT Group‘s strategic interventions.
Key Takeaways
CT Group provides comprehensive threat intelligence and analysis services, enabling organizations to proactively address emerging threats and vulnerabilities. Their cybersecurity and intelligence services identify and fortify network weaknesses, implementing robust security measures to minimize downtime and protect reputation. Through risk assessment and mitigation services, CT Group collaborates with organizations to identify, evaluate, and strategize against potential threats. The company’s crisis management expertise ensures swift and effective response to cyber incidents, minimizing impact and maintaining business continuity. Additionally, CT Group offers supply chain and executive protection services, ensuring secure, efficient, and compliant global asset protection.
Threat Intelligence and Analysis
Navigating the intricate landscape of contemporary cybersecurity necessitates proactive intelligence gathering and analysis to stay ahead of evolving threats.
As threat actors continually enhance their tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs), a comprehensive understanding of the threat landscape is crucial for anticipating and preparing for potential attacks.
Threat intelligence and analysis play a vital role in this process.
By harnessing human intelligence, machine learning, and advanced analytics, organizations can identify patterns, trends, and anomalies indicative of malicious activities.
This proactive approach enables the implementation of countermeasures, such as patching vulnerabilities, updating security protocols, and training personnel to recognize and respond to threats effectively.
Effective threat intelligence and analysis significantly mitigate the risk of successful attacks, empowering organizations to stay one step ahead of potential attackers and safeguard their critical assets.
Crisis Management Expertise
In the event of a cyber crisis, immediate and effective action is essential.
CT Group offers comprehensive crisis management expertise to help navigate these challenges.
Our global team specializes in handling a wide range of cyber incidents, including ransomware attacks and data breaches.
We provide 24/7 incident response, crisis communication support, and reputational risk management to minimize impact and ensure business continuity.
Risk Assessment and Mitigation
Organizations regularly face numerous cyber threats that can compromise their security posture.
Identifying and mitigating potential risks before they escalate into full-blown crises is crucial as you navigate the complex landscape of cybersecurity. CT Group offers risk assessment and mitigation services designed to assist in this process.
Our expert team collaborates with you to identify vulnerabilities, evaluate the likelihood of potential threats, and formulate strategies to mitigate or eliminate them entirely.
This proactive approach allows you to stay ahead of cybercriminals and safeguard your organization’s sensitive data and assets.
Key benefits of our risk assessment and mitigation services include:
- Identifying and prioritizing potential security threats
- Creating customized mitigation strategies to address specific risks
- Implementing proactive measures to prevent security breaches
- Strengthening your organization’s overall security posture and resilience
Security Consulting Services
Engaging a security consulting service provides access to expertise that aids in developing effective risk management strategies, enabling proactive addressing of potential threats.
Their threat analysis capability allows for the identification of vulnerabilities within an organization’s defenses, which may be exploited by malicious entities.
Risk Management Strategies
Risk management strategies are essential for protecting organizations from potential threats.
These strategies, a crucial part of security consulting services, involve identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks that could jeopardize assets, data, or reputation.
Effective implementation minimizes the likelihood and impact of security breaches, ensuring business continuity and resilience.
Key components of successful risk management strategies include:
- Conducting regular security audits and assessments to identify vulnerabilities and potential threats.
- Formulating and executing policies, procedures, and controls to mitigate identified risks.
- Providing ongoing training and awareness programs to educate employees on security best practices.
- Continuously monitoring and reviewing the effectiveness and relevance of risk management strategies.
Threat Analysis Expertise
Security consulting services provide comprehensive threat analysis expertise, utilizing deep knowledge to identify and assess potential threats to an organization’s assets, data, and reputation.
Through thorough examination of the intricate interplay between people, processes, and technology, the team uncovers vulnerabilities that could be targeted by malicious actors.
By integrating human intelligence with cutting-edge tools and methodologies, the team develops a sophisticated understanding of the threat landscape.
This enables anticipation and preparation for emerging threats, empowering the organization to proactively address potential security breaches. Consequently, the risks of financial losses, reputational damage, and legal liabilities are mitigated.
The team’s profound grasp of the threat environment enables informed decision-making, effective resource allocation, and prioritization of security investments that yield tangible results.
This expertise ensures semantic accuracy, completeness, consistency, conciseness, relevance, interoperability, and trustworthiness in the organization’s approach to threat analysis and mitigation strategies.
Vulnerability Identification Process
Implementing a robust vulnerability identification process is essential for organizations aiming to strengthen their defenses against potential threats.
Identifying vulnerabilities is a crucial step in safeguarding your organization from cyber threats, and a comprehensive process can help you stay ahead of potential attackers.
When considering vulnerability identification, multiple factors should be taken into account, including:
- Network vulnerability scanning: This involves utilizing automated tools to detect potential vulnerabilities in your network infrastructure, such as open ports, outdated software, and misconfigured devices.
- Code reviews: Performing regular code reviews can help identify vulnerabilities in your software applications, allowing you to patch them before they can be exploited.
- Penetration testing: This entails simulating real-world attacks on your organization to detect vulnerabilities that could be exploited by attackers.
- Social engineering testing: This involves assessing your employees’ susceptibility to social engineering attacks, such as phishing or pretexting, to identify vulnerabilities in your human defenses.
Global Asset Protection
Expanding your business globally exposes you to a multifaceted array of risks that can jeopardize your assets, including natural disasters and cyber threats.
Mitigating these risks necessitates a comprehensive risk assessment strategy that identifies vulnerabilities and prioritizes protective measures.
Implementing secure supply chains and robust risk management protocols will safeguard your global assets and ensure business continuity.
Risk Assessment Strategies
Risk assessment strategies are essential for global asset protection, offering a proactive method to identify and mitigate potential threats.
A robust risk assessment strategy is crucial for navigating the complexities of global asset protection, enabling the anticipation and preparation for potential risks, thereby reducing the chances of asset loss or damage.
Effective risk assessment involves a comprehensive analysis of an organization’s assets, identification of vulnerabilities, and potential threats, including:
- Regular security audits to detect weaknesses in asset protection measures
- Analysis of historical data to identify patterns and trends in asset loss or damage
- Evaluation of the potential impact of various threats, including natural disasters and cyberattacks
- Development of tailored mitigation strategies to address identified risks
Implementing a strong risk assessment strategy enhances the ability to safeguard assets against a wide array of threats, ensuring a more secure and resilient operational environment.
Secure Supply Chains
Securing your global assets necessitates a robust supply chain, with strength contingent on its most vulnerable point.
Overlooking a single vulnerability can result in theft, damage, or loss of valuable goods.
CT Group’s comprehensive asset protection services ensure your supply chain’s resilience against potential threats. Our specialists perform detailed risk evaluations to pinpoint weaknesses and execute tailored strategies to alleviate them.
From overseeing cargo consignments to safeguarding storage depots, we offer extensive security for assets both in transit and stationary.
Our state-of-the-art tracking systems and instantaneous monitoring allow us to swiftly address security infringements, reducing operational disruptions.
Collaborating with CT Group guarantees a secure, streamlined, and regulation-compliant supply chain.
Leveraging our expertise enables you to concentrate on business growth, assured of your global assets’ safety.
Executive Protection Solutions
Executive Protection Solutions
In the rapidly evolving corporate landscape, executive protection must be adaptable and tailored to individual needs.
High-net-worth individuals and top executives require the utmost security, and CT Group provides discreet, high-level protection services.
Our expert team collaborates closely with clients to craft personalized protection plans, ensuring safety and peace of mind.
Our comprehensive executive protection services include:
- In-depth threat assessments and risk analysis to proactively identify vulnerabilities
- Subtle, low-profile security escorts for travel, meetings, and public events
- Secure transportation utilizing armored vehicles and highly trained drivers
- Continuous monitoring and swift incident response to address emerging threats
CT Group’s executive protection solutions offer a personalized, proactive approach to safeguarding high-profile individuals in today’s dynamic business environment.
Cybersecurity and Intelligence
Cyber threats pose a constant and significant risk to organizations and individuals, with phishing emails, malware attacks, and ransomware demands being common threats that can disrupt operations and compromise sensitive data.
CT Group’s Cybersecurity and Intelligence services offer a proactive approach to cybersecurity, helping clients stay ahead of these threats through advanced threat analysis, penetration testing, and vulnerability assessments.
These services identify network weaknesses before hackers can exploit them.
CT Group’s experts collaborate with clients to develop a customized cybersecurity strategy tailored to their specific needs and objectives.
This includes implementing resilient security protocols and providing employee training and awareness programs.
By partnering with CT Group, organizations can enhance their ability to detect and respond to cyber threats promptly, thereby minimizing downtime and protecting their reputation.
Through these comprehensive services, CT Group ensures the protection of clients’ digital assets.
CT Group offers a comprehensive range of security services designed to mitigate risks and protect your organization’s global interests effectively. Their expertise spans threat intelligence, crisis management, cybersecurity, and executive protection, enabling you to confidently navigate complex security challenges. With CT Group’s global asset protection capabilities, your people, assets, and reputation are secure, allowing you to concentrate on achieving your objectives.
Haizea izaki biziduna da. Horrela, “hegoi” eta “ipar” izenak, hurrenez hurren, “hego”eta “ipar” haizeaen pertsonaia mitologokoak dira.
Amets gaiztoen eta gaueko beldurren jeinua da. Erran ohi da, jendea lo dagoen bitartean etxeetan sartzen dela. Etxeetan ingumaren sarrera saihesteko, eguzkilore bat jarri behar da ate edota leihoetan.
Zezengorri haitzuloetan bizi den izaki bat da. Behi edo zezen forma du, eta Mariren bizilekuak babesten ditu.
Akerbeltz arduratzen da bere kontura dauden animaliak babesteaz. Sorgiñek gurtzen dute, eta hark gidatzen ditu Akelarreak.
Gizotso, gizon otsoa da. Erdia gizona eta erdia otsoa. Basoetan bizi da eta gauez agertu ohi da. Piztia basati hau gizakia arrazionalen eta irrazionalen harremanaren emaitza da.
Amalurren pertsonifikazioa da naturan. “Anbotoko dama”. Jainkosaren erregina da Mari, eta berak menderatzen ditu pertsonaia mitologiko guziak. Lurraren barrualdean bizi da, Anbotoko mendikosin eta haitzuloetan, eta hori da Mariren bizileku nagusia. Hala ere, beste 20 bizileku inguru ere baditu euskal lurraldean barrena ta zazpi urtez behin aldatzen du bizilekuz.
Haren mende daude emankartasuna eta uztak, eta bere da euriaren sortzailea. Sugaar jeinuaerekin ezkondurik dago. Bi seme ditu, Mikelats eta Atarrabi.
Sorgina hitza sortu hitzean eragin atzizkian du jatorria, beraz, jaiotzak eragiten dituela adierazi nahi du.
Eukal erlijioko apaiz emeak druida zelten antzekoak ziren, eta haien ardura ziren gurtza eremuak eta zeremonioak. Haiek ziren jendea sendatzeko basa belarrak biltzearen arduradunak.
Sorginek Akelarre izeneko bilerak egiten zituzten gauez. XV eta XVII. mendeen artean sorginen kontrako epaiketa ugari izan ziren ta milaka emakume hil zituzten.
Gauaren eta iluntasunaren jainkoa da. Ez dio gizakiari gauez lan egiten uzten, eta gauez beren balentriak eta apustuak egin ohi dituzten gazteak atzitu eta eramaten ditu berarekin.
Lurra, ama lurra, da jainkosa nagusia. Lurra da izaki bizien bizilekua, eta bera da gure inguruna naturala sortu duen berezko bizi indarra.
Hari esker bizi dira animaliak eta landareak, eta hark ematen dizkigu gizakioi elikagaiak zein bizitzeko behar dugun lekua.
Lurrean bizi dira pertsonaia mitologiko gehienak, eta baita hildakoen arimak ere.
Kultura guztiak izan ohi dituzten iratxoak dira. Oso tamaina txikiko gizon eta emakumek dira, eta nagusiek agintzen dieten guztiei egiten dute. Izenak adierazten duen bezala, galtza gorriak izan ohi dituzte, eta oso aktiboak dira.
Begi bakarreko izaki gaiztoa da. Kaitzuloetan bizi da, eta gazteak harrapatu eta irensten ditu. Grezian mitologiako ziklopeetan du jatorria. Erreniagako nafar mendikatearen inguruan bizi zela esaten dute.
Basoko gizaki basatia da, Jentilekin ere lotu ohi da. Natura gizakiek inbaditutako lekuetatik babesteko gelditu zen lurrean.
Garaia eta indartsua da, eta belaunetaraino iristen zaio ilea. Artaldeak eta artzainak babesten ditu. Ekaitzak hurbiltzen direnean, ohiuka ematen die artzanei horren berri. Otsoen erasoetatik babesten ditu ardiek… Basendere du emaztea, basoko andere basatia.
Lamiak izaki ederrak dira, emakumen itxura dute, eta ibaietan egon ohi dira.
Gorputzaren erdia gizakiarena dute, eta beste erdia, berriz, animaliarena. Goiko aldean, emakume eder bat da lamia, eta beheko adarrak, berriz ahate, ahuntz edo arrain batenak izan ohi dira, lekuaren arabera.
Jentilak dira kristautasunaren aurretik Euskal herrian bizi ziren lehenengo biztanleak. Indar gizagabea dutela esan ohi da, larruez jazten dira, eta mendian bizi dira. Harri handiak jaurtitzen dizkiete etsaiei.
Sugaar Mari jainkosarena senarra da. Kaitzuloetan bizi ziren suge hegalari baten forma du, eta oso lotua dago tximista eta trumoeie. Gurasoen aginduak betetzen ez dituzten haurrak zigortzen ditu, besteak beste.
Insektu hau sakratua da leku askotan, eta biharamunean zer eguraldi egingo duen esateko eskatu ohi zaie. Igo eta hegan egiten badu, eguraldi ona egingo duen seinale; bestela, euria egingo du.
“Desioen putzua” uretan jasotako jainko jakin batzuen existentzia deskribatzeko sortu zen. Ura bizi iturri bat denez, eskatutakoa bete beharrekoa zela uste zen.
Geroztik, 1700. urtearen inguruan, jendeak txanponak botatzen zituen uretara desio bat eskatzeko.
Diseinuak eta eraikuntzak. Jolasen eta automaten asmatzailea, 15 urte baino gehiagoko esperientzia duena kaleko instalazioak sortzen.
Gaur egun, Toc de Fusta eta Xics konpainetan lan egiten du (arotzeria sortzailea).
Arte ederretan lizentziatua. Urtetan euskarri ezberdinen gainean ilustrazioak egiten aritua.
Horma irudien artean aipagarrienetakoa Leitzako plazako frontisaren atzeko tranpantojoa.
@unairg - Sapai margo estudio (Leitza).
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